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News from GriffioenMedia

01-02-2012 Hilaris ceases to exist

Bas Griffioen consinues to manage the Chiggy site via his newly founded company GriffioenMedia. The company is setup on 1-2-2012 after Hilaris was terminated.

, the company behind the site of Chiggy will cease to exist on 1 February 2012. For now, the site of Chiggy still in the air, but that may soon change! Enjoy it while you can ! Belinda and Bas.

05-05-2011 The company behind Chiggy

Hilaris is the inventor of Chiggy, a company of two creative designers (and parents). Chiggy is the first character that is launched, but there are more plans so stay in touch. Here you will find future announcements about new characters and their adventures! > Since 1-2-2012 Hilaris seased to exisit and management of the Chiggy site is since then owned by GriffioenMedia.
