On May 5, 2011, the Dutch Chiggy site went live. Chiggy the first character developed by Hilaris - The creative media company from Holland. Hilaris was founded early 2011 by two creative designers, and also parents. On February 1st 2012 Hilaris was terminated and management of the Chiggy site moved in the hands of GriffioenMedia, a company started by Bas Griffioen. The portfolio of GriffioenMedia (characters, websites, products) goes against the many sites where everything is free, but where you are continuously interrupted by advertising and where the materials are not always of good quality. Hilaris wants to offer an alternative.
First the Dutch version of Chigg's site went live, but soon a German, English and French versions of the site will follow. Chiggy can also be followed on the popular social media like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook. But in fact you do not have to leave the site, there is plenty to do. And if you join Chiggy's WebClub, much more content is made available.
The site has arisen out of collaborations with various partners. Thanks to Vera, Vincent, Sanne, Ellen, Jasper, Martijn, Dominique, Willem, Chantal, Vijay, Ramon, Paul-Edward, Cristel, Linda and many others. Without their enthusiastic help, this site could not have been realized this quickly!
Now we update the site regularly with new adventures (each quarter) and activities: we'll keep you busy !! :-)
In the future there may also have other characteristics in addition to Chiggy: something for everyone. Keep a close look on the sites.
Have fun using Chiggy's WebSite.